大连DHL -附近大连DHL快递-地址-电话-国际快递

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大连DHL -查找附近大连DHL快递-地址-电话-国际快递



工作日时间:08:30-17:30(星期六 08:30-17:30)

全球领先的国际快递服务提供商 DHL Express 在Great Place to Work ™ (GPTW) 与《财富》杂志合作发布的年度榜单中被评为全球最佳工作场所 第一名。这一成就是对十多年来对员工的不断改进和投资的回报,从 2017 年的第 8 位上升到 2021 年的第 1 位。

“自2009年以来,DHL快递经历了以Focus战略为导向的转型时代 。在此战略中,我们的目标是激励与我们合作的员工并成为首选雇主,”DHL Express 首席执行官 John Pearson 说。“对于一家拥有 111,000 名员工、遍布 220 个国家和不同模式的公司来说,这是一个勇敢的举动。每天激励我的是我们对员工的信念以及他们为我们的客户和彼此提供卓越服务的能力。祝贺所有使这成为可能的同事,并感谢参与今年调查的人。我从未为成为这家公司的一员而感到自豪。”

DHL Express 非常重视重视员工的工作。转型Focus战略是该奖项认可的众多创新 DHL 计划之一。DHL Express 的Focus战略旨在实现 Deutsche Post DHL Group 成为全球雇主、投资和供应商的目标。其成功的关键是一项名为认证国际专家 (CIS) 的计划。2009 年,引入了 CIS 计划,以加速基于客户关注和信任的文化和发展 DNA。它包括由企业高层领导提供的鼓舞人心的培训和参与内容,鼓励、认可和奖励重要的行为。

“我们战略的一个关键要素是关注为 DHL Express 工作的人员。DHL Express 人力资源执行副总裁 Regine Büttner 表示,如果没有我们优秀员工的参与,我们将无法像今天这样为客户提供卓越服务。“我们非常自豪我们如何行动和的元素围绕HR工作数字的人,培养人才,不同的人,健康人,而用之于民进化,我们的执着得到了回报。”

“德国邮政 DHL 集团为 DHL Express 成为 2021 年世界最佳工作场所™ 排名第一而感到自豪。我们的同事联系人们并改善全球各地的生活是我们最大的资产,他们的参与和动力是可持续成功的先决条件。DHL Express 是以人为本和员工导向的榜样,也是我们所有人的灵感来源,”德国邮政 DHL 集团首席人力资源官 Thomas Ogilvie 解释道。“我非常高兴我们的员工在今年的 Great Place to Work™ 调查中给予我们最高评价。”

全球大流行期间,物流人的压力很大。 2021 年世界最佳工作场所™的认可 证明了 DHL Express 文化的实力。保密调查评估员工在公平、可信、尊重、自豪和友情方面的体验。加强公司文化的举措和计划也接受了调查审计。GPTW 调查记录了员工积极性和敬业度的提高,在 2020 年超过了公司 93% 的分数。DHL Express 在这个充满挑战的时期专注于工作安全和员工福祉,确保员工保持安全、联系和支持。

“虽然成为 For All™ 的理想工作场所变得前所未有的重要,但也从未如此困难,”Great Place to Work™ 的首席执行官 Michael C. Bush 说。“DHL Express 已经证明,当您为员工送货时,他们也为您的客户送货。94% 的 DHL 员工表示,他们的客户将他们提供的服务评为‘优秀’,超过了 86% 的全球基准。”

要被公认为 世界最佳工作场所™,公司必须在卓越工作场所的 最佳工作场所™ 国家名单中名列第一。这种认可基于评估员工在信任、创新、公司价值观和领导力方面的经验的机密调查数据。公司还根据他们创造For All™ 工作场所体验的程度进行评分,该 体验包括所有员工,无论他们是谁或他们做什么。今年,COVID-19 将焦点放在雇主和雇员的身心健康上。

DHL Express, the worlds leading international express service provider, has been named the number one best workplace worldwide in the annual list published by Great Place to Work™ (GPTW) in collaboration with Fortune Magazine. The achievement rewards over ten years of continuous improvement and investment in its people, advancing from 8th in 2017 to 1st place in 2021.

“Since 2009, DHL Express experienced an era of transformation guided by its strategy Focus. Within this strategy, we made it our purpose to motivate people working with us and to become the employer of choice,” says John Pearson, CEO DHL Express. “For a company of 111,000 colleagues operating across 220 countries and different modes, this was a brave move. What drives me every day is our belief in people and their ability to deliver excellence for our customers and each other. Congratulations to all colleagues who make this possible, and thanks to those who participated in this years survey. I have never been prouder to be part of this company.”

DHL Express attaches great importance to valuing the work of its employees. The transformational Focus strategy was one of many innovative DHL programs that the award has recognized. DHL Express Focus strategy is geared towards Deutsche Post DHL Group’s goal of becoming the employer, investment, and provider of choice for the world. Key to its success is a program called Certified International Specialist (CIS). In 2009, the CIS program was introduced to accelerate the cultural and developmental DNA based on customer focus and trust. It includes inspiring training and engagement content delivered by senior leaders with the business encouraging, recognizing, and rewarding vital behaviors.

“One of the key elements of our strategy is focused on the people who work for DHL Express. Without the engagement of our great people, we would not be able to deliver the excellence to our customers as we do today,” says Regine Büttner, Executive Vice President HR, DHL Express. “We are very proud of how our initiatives and HR efforts around the elements of Digital People, Developing People, Diverse People, Healthy People, and Giving Back to People have evolved and that our dedication is paying off.”

“Deutsche Post DHL Group takes pride in DHL Express being the #1 Worlds Best Workplace™ 2021. Our colleagues who connect people and improve lives all around the globe are our biggest asset and their engagement and motivation is the prerequisite for sustainable success. DHL Express is a role model for people focus and employee orientation and an inspiration for all of us,” explains Thomas Ogilvie, Chief Human Resources Officer at Deutsche Post DHL Group. “I am more than excited that our employees awarded us with the best rating in this years Great Place to Work™ survey.”

During the global pandemic, the pressure on logistics people was intense. The recognition as World’s Best Workplace™ 2021 is a testament to the strength of the DHL Express culture. The confidential survey assesses employee experience across fairness, credibility, respect, pride and camaraderie. Initiatives and programs that reinforce company culture are also audited for the survey. The GPTW survey recorded increased staff motivation and engagement levels, surpassing the companys 93% score in 2020. DHL Express focused on job security and staff well-being throughout this challenging period, ensuring employees remained safe, connected, and supported.

“While it’s never been more critical to be a great place to work For All™, it’s also never been more difficult,” says Michael C. Bush, CEO of Great Place to Work™. “DHL Express has proven that when you deliver for your people, they deliver for your customers. 94% of DHL employees say their customers would rate the service they deliver as ‘excellent,’ outperforming the global benchmark of 86%.”

To be recognized as a World’s Best Workplace™, companies must rank first on Great Place to Works Best Workplaces™ national lists. This recognition is based on confidential survey data that assesses employee experience in trust, innovation, company values, and leadership. Companies are also rated on how well they create a For All™ workplace experience that includes all employees, regardless of who they are or what they do. This year, COVID-19 put the spotlight on physical and mental well-being for both employers and employees.

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