
admin 2023-11-27 10:28:17 浏览量:10

Nidal "Andy" Khalil, who since 1994 has co-owned the Midway Market & Liquor store wher<em></em><i></i>e the winning ticket was purchased, said he hopes it was one of his regulars. 5 The beloved shopkeeper and Syrian immigrant said he plans to save a chunk of the store's $1 million payout from the winnings for his children's college education fund. 5

In a local Facebook group, many residents questio<em></em>ned and theorized who the mysterious winner could be. Some put out a plea for the winner to use some of the mo<em></em>ney to pay for public park restoration and town building upgrades. 5 Jo<em></em>nathan Khalil, left, and Chris Khalil, sons of the store co-owners hold up the ceremo<em></em>nial check presented to the store on Thursday. 5

Locals who stopped into Midway Market & Liquor Store Thursday walked in and shook Khalil's hand, co<em></em>ngratulating him on the win. 5


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