
admin 2023-11-26 21:47:32 浏览量:4




为了实现这一目标,双方都希望影响独立选民,并提高其基础选民的投票率。正如父母权利问题帮助弗吉尼亚州共和党州长格伦·扬金(Glenn Youngkin)在2021年赢得了独立人士甚至民主党人的支持,赢得了选举一样,堕胎问题这次似乎对民主党候选人起到了同样的作用。





39岁的民主党候选人拉塞特·佩里(Russet Perry)曾是中央情报局(CIA)官员和县检察官,她的主要竞选议题是堕胎;35岁的共和党候选人胡安·巴勃罗·塞古拉(Juan Pablo Segura)是一名企业家,他誓言要保护父母的权利,让他们在决定孩子的教育内容方面有发言权。





鲍比·C (Bobby C.)是一名销售人员,自认为是独立人士,他从利斯堡的劳登县选举办公室(Loudoun County Election Office)出来时说,他这次投了混合票,这取决于“与我的意识形态是否一致”。他拒绝透露自己的姓氏。






这个自称为保守派的投票选择似乎强调了民主党代表安吉利亚·威廉姆斯·格雷夫斯(Angelia Williams Graves)在民主党势力强大的诺福克地区竞选弗吉尼亚州参议员的话。


民主党众议员唐·拜尔(dn - va)在同一论坛上强调,对民主党人来说,阻止共和党人同时赢得州参众两院至关重要。他说,在重新划分选区后,防止共和党人在第一次全州范围的竞选中成为现任者是至关重要的,因为现任者很难被推翻。

劳顿县监事会(Loudoun County Board of Supervisors)现任主席菲利斯·兰德尔(Phyllis Randall)正在竞选连任,她补充说,民主党人在弗吉尼亚州的胜利,将会抑制扬金不断上升的知名度,并阻止这位保守的共和党人担任国家公职。

扬金一直在最后一刻的集会上为共和党候选人做游说,最后一次集会安排在劳顿县(Loudoun County)的一个足球场举行,是塞古拉。





The parental rights issue, however, has attracted votes for Mr. Segura.

He got a vote from Leah, who moved to Loudoun County 17 years ago, partly for its schools. She didn’t want to share her last name. She has three children in the Loudoun County Public School (LCPS) system—two in high school and one in elementary school.

“Parents need to have a voice in their children’s education,” she told The Epoch Times, adding that the gender issue has been “very confusing” for children and their parents. She referred to the LCPS policy that requires students and staff to call students by their preferred pronouns and allows students to use restrooms by their self-identified gender.

“My campaign is focused on a message of being Successful Together. While my opponent and her allies try to scare people, I’m offering a vision for the future of Virginia. That vision includes safe communities. It includes a creative approach to problem-solving that brings people together. And it includes improved schools so our kids can get a better education,” Mr. Segura told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement on Nov. 5.

He continued: “I want to make sure parents are empowered. I want to make sure school boards and administrators are held accountable, which is why I’ve committed to immediately introducing legislation that mandates schools notify parents and students after an overdose. There is so much at stake, so I’m encouraging voters of all backgrounds to get to the polls and vote!”

Karen, an electrical designer, also voted for Mr. Segura. She declined to disclose her last name because her 15-year-old daughter goes to Stone Bridge High School, where a gender-fluid boy raped a teenage girl in the girl’s bathroom in May 2021. The boy was then transferred to a different high school and sexually assaulted another girl a few months later. The boy was eventually convicted and sentenced last year.

LCPS has been in the national spotlight since the Spring of 2021 due to the parents’ fight to reject critical race theory in their children’s education. Last December, the school board fired the former superintendent without cause after a special grand jury documented the school system’s mishandling of the sexual assaults.

Karen told The Epoch Times that she wanted boys and girls to simply go to separate bathrooms.

Both parties have spent millions on their candidates. In addition to winning over independents, ensuring base voter turnout has been a crucial focus.

Outside of the Fairfax County Government Center, a main early-voting site providing all northern Virginia ballots, Kelly, a Republican, said she didn’t think Republican voters were as charged as in 2021. She remained “cautiously hopeful” that the Republicans would keep the lower chamber in the state legislature.

She was concerned about the momentum on the other side as she refused to disclose her last name. “The passion comes out when you come from behind,” she told The Epoch Times on Nov. 4, referring to Democrats’ loss of the executive mansion and state House in 2021. “The abortion issue alone will bring out a lot of Democrat voters.”

Also in Fairfax, a Democrat voter said she was motivated to vote this season.

“I am trying to send a signal to Governor Youngkin that I will continue to vote complete Democrat ballot every time until I start hearing about Youngkin making sense with regard to schools, diversity, abortion, and protecting our communities in ensuring that we are kind to one another,” she told The Epoch Times, preferring to remain anonymous.

两党都在努力争取选票。扬金一直在推动提前投票,这在共和党选民中通常不受欢迎。据位于里士满的监督机构“弗吉尼亚公共访问项目”(Virginia Public Access Project)称,共和党在提前投票中的份额比2021年(大选日6天前)的上一次全州竞选增加了3%。


From The Epoch Times


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